Thursday, October 10, 2019

Direct from Italy, The Four Italian Tenors perform arias and songs of all generations of world class tenors and present these classics with penache, verve and vivacity, all in their own inimitable style. Fusing Italian wit and charm with romanticism, lyricism, dramatic flair and operatic style, these young men are a sensation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Founded in 1965, the National Dance Company of Siberia has wowed audiences worldwide with their colorful and expressive traditional Folk and virtuosic performances. The remarkable jumps and pirouettes by the men, the graceful smooth gliding movements of the women, the leaping and twirling, and gymnastic feats lead up to a dashing spirit of fire and electrifying tension. Never leave spectators indifferent. 50 dancers. Authentic costumes.